Cyber Security

The Future Of Blockchain in Cybersecurity

There are various ways the cybersecurity industry adopts to tackle the threats from online viruses and malware.

In this article, we are going to talk about a very special technology that the cybersecurity industry has begun to use to provide better service. That is no other than Blockchain.

So let us find out about the future of blockchain technology and what is the future of cyber security as it plans to adopt blockchain.

What is a Blockchain?

Blockchain is the system of recording information in a way that makes it difficult or impossible to change, hack or cheat the system. As a database, a blockchain stores information electronically in digital format.

Blockchains are best known for their crucial role in cryptocurrency systems, such as Bitcoin, for maintaining a secure and decentralized record of transactions. The innovation of a blockchain is that it guarantees the fidelity and security of a record of data and generates trust without the need for a trusted third party.

The future blockchain is essentially a digital ledger of transactions, that is duplicated and distributed across the entire network of a computer system on the blockchain.

8 Ways How You Can Use Blockchain in Cybersecurity For Better Protection

Let’s talk about eight ways how your business can use blockchain in cybersecurity to enhance your security protocols.

Securing Private Messaging

With the rising popularity of the internet, more and more people are joining social media. As a result, the number of social media handles is also increasing.

When people interact with each other on this platform, then a huge amount of Metadata are collected during this process.

But unfortunately, most social media platform users use very weak and untrustworthy passwords to protect their data. As a result, most messaging companies are currently leveraging blockchain technology for protecting user data.

Blockchain can be used to form a unified API network for enabling cross messenger communication capabilities.

IoT Security

Since Artificial Intelligence is gaining more popularity nowadays, it is becoming easier for hackers to gain control of systems like home automation through smart switches. They can do so because a large number of these IoT devices have a very weak security system.

Generally, what happens is that the hacker gains full control of the device and system by penetrating, the central administration of the device. So in this case blockchain can help to decentralize the administration. This strategy would allow the device to take security decisions as per its own choice.

Since the edge devices won’t depend on the central admin, hence they would become more secure by detecting suspicious commands on an unknown network.

Securing DNS and DDoS:

A DDoS attack shuts down the resource system completely. While on the other hand an attack on DNS, makes a website inaccessible, cashable, and also redirectable to other scam websites.

In this situation, blockchain can be used to decentralize the DNS entries. As a result, such kind of attack is diminished. Blockchain technology removes the vulnerable single points exploited by hackers by applying the decentralized solution.

Decentralizing Medium Storage

Organizations nowadays are very concerned about business data hacks and thefts. The hacker would a single vulnerable point in the storage system to gain access to the entire data. As a result, those criminals can possess secret data such as business financial records. Blockchain technology creates a decentralized form of data storage to protect this confidential data. As a result, penetration of data storage systems would become increasingly difficult for hackers.

The Provenance of Computer Software

In the case of MD5, the hashes available on the vendor website are compared to the new software identity. But unfortunately, the hashes available on the vendor website are already compromised.

So the hashes are permanently recorded in blockchain with the help of blockchain technology. Blockchain can easily verify the integrity of software by comparing it to the hashes against the ones on the blockchain.

Verification of Cyber-Physical Infrastructure

The level of integrity of information from cyber-physical systems has been severely damaged because of issues like data tampering, system misconfiguration, and component failure.

However, the information generated on the infrastructure’s component through blockchain can be more assuring to the complete change of custody.

Protecting Data Transmission

The data in transit is either altered or completely deleted by hackers with malicious intent. Unauthorized access to data can be prevented by using blockchain technology.

As a result the integrity of data transmitted through blockchain increases.

Diminish Human Safety Adversity caused by Cyber-Attack:

Hackers are very often able to gain access to sensitive networks like Car Area Network. This network can offer complete control access to vital automotive functions to hackers.

As a result, the safety of human lives is often threatened. But fortunately, Blockchain Technology conducts data verification for any data that goes through the system to prevent any adversities.


The main function of the future blockchain is to decentralize the records of transactions with third parties. This feature removes the single target point that can be compromised.

This results in the system’s access control, data storage, and network traffic scattered in different locations because of which it becomes impossible for the hackers to infiltrate. Therefore for any upcoming cyber threat, blockchain is the most efficient mitigation strategy.

Blockchain is an emerging technology with various applications in the cyber security space. Want to upgrade your business by using blockchain in cybersecurity? Schedule a meeting with our team today.

Hitesh Patel

Hitesh Patel is an engineer turned business owner of WPG Consulting. He is a techie enthusiast who believes in finding creative IT solutions to solve consumer problems.

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