ISMS Policy Statement

Walsh Patel Group Consulting, LLC is committed to securing the Confidentiality, Integrity and Availability of information for the day-to-day Business and operations. The security of information and other assets is therefore regarded as fundamental for the successful business operation of Walsh Patel Group Consulting, LLC.

Walsh Patel Group Consulting, LLC has adopted an Information Security Management System (ISMS) comprising the Information Security Policies, Procedures and Processes to effectively protect data/information of the organization and its customers from information security threats, whether internal or external, deliberate or accidental.

The management of Walsh Patel Group Consulting, LLC is committed to ensure that:

  • Regulatory and legislative requirements related to operation are met

  • The confidentiality of information is protected and prevent disclosure of valuable or sensitive information

  • The integrity of information is maintained to ensure its accuracy and completeness

  • The availability of information is maintained to meet business needs and client’s requirements

  • Business continuity plans are developed, maintained and tested

  • Information security awareness is provided to all employees of Walsh Patel Group Consulting, LLC

  • Incident management process is established and implemented to ensure that all breaches of information security, actual or suspected are reported and investigated

  • Risks are mitigated to an acceptable level through a risk management framework

  • The information security management system is continually improved

  • Appropriate resources are allocated in order to implement, operate and review an effective Information Security Management System. The management acknowledges the need of continual improvement and has introduced various methods to ensure that effectiveness and continual improvement of the processes are achieved.

Walsh Patel Group Consulting, LLC shall follow a formal disciplinary process for employees who have allegedly violated the information security policies and procedures.

The organization shall ensure that the review of the Information Security Policy and related documents is performed at least once in three years or when significant changes occur to ensure suitability, adequacy, and effectiveness of the ISMS framework.

Place: New Jersey

Date: 24/06/2024

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